Stakeholder Involvement!
Process for Involving Stakeholders in Technology Planning, Implementation and
A technology planning committee was established in the Spring of 2013. When the
committee was confirmed, 23 individuals agreed to participate in shaping the technology
plan. Representatives included district staff, administrators, community members and
parents. The planning committee established a meeting schedule to develop the technology
plan. Subcommittees were formed to address specific topics and work on designated
components of the plan. Approximately 25 hours of committee time is represented by this
plan. The time and efforts contributed by individuals beyond meeting times increases that
number significantly.!
The Technology Planning Committee established a comprehensive process to collect
input from stakeholders. The process included determining what types of input were needed
and how best to involve the stakeholders. Input was gathered primarily through three
methods: committee meetings, surveys, and parent community meetings.!
Stakeholder Participation Through Surveys!
The Technology and Learning s