Tech Plan 6 July 2014 | Page 32

Monitoring Plan! Curriculum and Instruction Strategies! • Administrators and staff, along with the district tech committee, will utilize state and local assessment data to make data informed decisions about curriculum and instruction and evaluate the impact of technology integration projects.! • Staff will utilize GoogleApps and social networks to review and share integrated units. ! • Staff will share examples of differentiated instruction using technology enhanced strategies and assessment in grade level sharing and professional development opportunities. ! • Staff will use district created and other research-based tools to assess student/staff technology skills. 
 ! Professional Development Strategies ! • Staff will record and review the frequency, duration, attendance, agendas and topics of professional development opportunities. ! • Staff will document, monitor and review the alignment of professional development opportunities with NETS-A, NETS-T and district frameworks such as WIRED and TPACK. ! • Administrators will track and document the effectiveness of training opportunities with surveys and evaluations in the areas of: ethical uses of technology, assessing student technology products and district technology standards. 
 ! Parent/Community Involvement Strategies ! • Staff will keep logs tracking new partnership projects at both the district and school levels, including purpose, goals, projects and evaluations. ! • Staff will monitor and report the number of district cable video programs, technology summer school courses, communications with the community and opportunities for the community to better understand educational technology in the district. 
 ! Technology Deployment Strategies ! • District staff will regularly monitor and review the inventories of hardware and software. ! • Administrators will create deployment plans to address increased need for access to computers for staff and students. ! • Tech staff will monitor server usage and storage space to determine necessary purchases. ! • Administrators will use District enrollment projections to plan for additional classrooms and necessary equipment needed. ! • Teachers will provide feedback about classroom tech components including ease of use and instructional impact. ! • Staff will evaluate the effectiveness of emerging technologies to provide information about further implementation. ! • Tech staff will regularly review network usage and repair logs. 
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