Tech Plan 6 July 2014 | Page 33

Additional Documentation! Appendix A: Technology Access! Currently the district has 4,680 Internet connected devices (desktops, laptops and iPads) available for student use. At the end of 2013-14, 270 of these devices will be recycled as designated by the replacement plan cycle. From this new total, we can project the number of machines needed to achieve a 1:1 ratio within the building. Spread out over three years, approximately 300 machines will need to be added per year. The distribution of these machines will vary by building based on the current machine:student ratio at the school and any changes in enrollment. ! School Student use Desktops Student Use Laptops Student Use Tablets Total Student Devices ! - Staff Enrollment Current Ratio Total Additional Devices Needed for 1:1 Dryden 100 194 257 494 508 1.094827586 44 Greenbrier 89 148 162 324 345 1.173469388 51 Ivy Hill 99 199 246 469 516 1.175398633 77 Olive 95 208 161 398 568 1.543478261 200 Patton 92 182 163 359 458 1.392097264 129 South 171 587 134 791 857 1.126149803 96 Thomas 175 685 140 909 937 1.065984073 58 Westgate 117 279 221 522 610 1.239837398 118 Windsor 104 217 186 413 456 1.190600522 73 TOTALS 1042 2699 1670 4679 5255 1.191880245 846 ! TECH PLAN 6 - AHSD 25 ! 33