Tech Plan 6 July 2014 | Page 31

Description of Activity Gap(s) Addressed Staff Responsible Resources Needed Purchase computers to replace aging computers as indicated by the replacement cycle (see Appendix B) 1 DTA Replacement cycle Replace end-of-life networked printers and other equipment when no longer economical to repair 1 TST As needed Maintain a centralized hardware and software inventory database 23 TST Provide additional technology support personnel within the constraints of the personnel budget 2, 7 DTA Discussion with cabinet through personnel plan proposals Assist with the implementation of district energy conservation measures 16, 23 TT Coordinate activities with District Energy Manager School access to archived PowerSchool year snapshots 3, 13 DSS, NS PowerSchool Student Portal opened for direct course requests (e.g. foreign language, creative arts) 3, 9 DSS iPads for Geometry students attending high school (up to 180 kids) 5 DTA, DSL Training for teachers, software for devices, future plans ! Key:! BST - Building Support Technicians! CS - Communication Specialist! DSL - Department of Student Learning! DSS - Data and Systems Specialist! DTA - Director of Technology and Assessment! NS - Network Specialist! T25 - Tech 25! TF - Technology Facilitators! TST - Technology Support Technician! TT - Techretary! ! ! ! ! TECH PLAN 6 - AHSD 25 ! 31