Tech Plan 6 July 2014 | Page 30

Description of Activity Gap(s) Addressed Staff Responsible Resources Needed Explore viability of IP phones in strategic areas 9 NS Phone systems are filling up in some area’s - look at ip for remodeled areas Budget for maintenance agreements for operating systems, service, FileMaker, student management system and other software and hardware 23 DTA, DSS Contract and agreement costs Work with DSL, Student Services and NSSEO assistive tech team to evaluate hardware and software opportunities for support groups such as special education, gifted, and ELL 17, 22 DTA Communicate with assistant superintendent and coordinators to establish needs and develop a plan for deployment Provide adequate storage space and upgrades for district and building servers housing applications and student/staff data 4, 6 NS Look at NAS or SAN solutions Expand storage for the backup solution 4, 13 NS Either expansion chassis or new units Explore financing options including grants or leasing for future technology purchases 23 DTA! Business Finance options and cost analysis Explore and adopt emerging technologies to enhance efficiency and productivity 5 DTA Alignment to needs as well as exploring possible opportunities Adding APCs to closets without them (~30 units) 16 NS All IDF’s to support generators and power issues in buildings Explore viability of providing Internet connection and options to families with identified needs 12, 21 DTA Provider options and distribution of options to families TECH PLAN 6 - AHSD 25 30