An old Chinese proverb
says that a crowded
elevator looks very
different to a midget!
Written by Andy Scott - Head of Training and Development
Just like that out of his depth midget, struggling
sales people can start to feel closed in with little control over
their destination.
Nevertheless, the drive to change your situation and
circumstances will always come down to you. This world will
only give you what you are prepared to take from it, so use
what you have to get what you want and learn the lessons
that life has for you!
This was taught to me at an early age when my mother
inadvertently set me off on my path to a better life, and I do
mean inadvertently. My mother could not be described as
overly bright or forward thinking, but her lazy approach to
motherhood has made me the person that I am today.
From the age of seven I had to get myself dressed and walk myself to school as she really hated getting
out of bed with a passion. This taught me self-reliance and responsibility, as well as road awareness
as after getting knocked down just the once, I learned that running across a busy road was better than
skipping across one.
She also killed one goldfish by putting hot water in its bowl in the winter thinking it was cold and killed
another by filling its bowl full of food when we went away for a few days so it didn’t starve. She also
decided to throw my tortoise in the bin thinking it had died because its head was inside its shell, this
taught me that life is fleeting and you should make the most of it.
We had very little money, but she did work at a chocolate factory once a week which meant I would get
a handful of chocolates that had not passed quality control put in to my draw. So if I wanted to buy toys,
I had to sell those chocolates to the other kids, this taught me about supply and demand, negotiation
and the value of money.
This is all true and taught this poor little dyslexic boy from the council estates of Leeds two very valuable
lessons: Number 1 my Mum is a complete idiot and Number 2 there is no big secret to life.
Work hard, take responsibility for your own actions, always be prepared to take a risk, back yourself to
the hilt and nothing is impossible.
Good hunting people and remember, goldfish don’t mind cold water!