At that time, all new starters had to self-generate ALL leads for a period of time before they were allocated
call centre appointments…. Tough going!
After the big recruitment drive, we split the teams into 3 regions and each team was delivering 350 deals
at the most. We were an average player in an average market. Oh how things have changed….
An experienced board of Directors with over 100 years of industry experience - Innovative and
care about the company and all of us
Five regions NE, NW, SE, SW & Ireland/Scotland
2 Call Centres servicing more than 60 BDMs
2 floors in Matrix house housing all the important sales support departments
Partner Programme – a fully self-employed option
Corporate Account Manager
Head of eCommerce
Head of Training and Development
Dedicated Marketing Department
Dedicated IT Department
Electronic Application and Appointment Manager
Dedicated Recruitment Team – constantly sourcing the highest quality candidates in the market
for all departments
Regular coaching and training
A fleet of more than 70 company cars
A sales team that delivers in excess of 1000 deals a month
A summer conference – for the first time ever
And much, much more!
And all this is just the tip of the iceberg. You can get the flavour of how, over a short period of time, RMS
has not just evolved and expanded, but is leading the way in the ISO market, a true force to be reckoned
with. Yes we occasionally make mistakes, we are human after all, but one of the things I love about RMS
is that if it makes commercial sense to change things, then we do.
We are still on this mega journey of evolution and there will be many more changes to how we do things,
the majority of which will serve to enhance the great job that we do in the sector we operate in. We are not
the finished article and I for one am proud to be part of what has been achieved so far but more excited
as the best is yet to come...