TeamTalk- September Edition Issue 9 Issue 9 | Page 2

Remember to discuss any article with at your next team meeting Coaching and Mentoring Did you know we’re training 13 of our own coaches and mentors? They’re working hard to get fully qualified with a formal Chartered Management Institute (CMI) qualification. Coaching and mentoring are great ways of developing ourselves. We’re often asked what’s the difference between coaching and mentoring? Mentoring: „„ Mentoring is customarily a planned pairing of a more skilled or experienced person (usually in the same or similar field of work or sector) with a less experienced person Here’s some information to give you an idea: „„ Ideally mentors have no line management relationship to the mentee. Mentors will often provide direction and advice and should ‘open organisational doors’ and networking opportunities for mentees Coaching: „„ Coaches need not have first-hand experience of the coachee’s line of work. Coaching can be done formally with a qualified coach or more informally „„ Mentors can provide a neutral ‘sounding board’ and have no agenda other than assisting their mentees in their development and to reach their goals. „„ Effective coaching is intended to help you to learn, rather than by “teaching” you. By engaging with an experienced coach, the coachee will develop their own insights leading to enhanced effectiveness „„ Coaches will ask ‘powerful’ questions and not offer or give advice John Barr and Michael Cleaver, two of our EMT Directors, share their own experience of coaching with us. „„ Coaching is driven by the coachee who needs to take ownership for their own learning and development. Read their stories and discover more about coaching and mentoring here. Awards update Policy update A Fresh Visions project has been shortlisted at the upcoming Women in Housing Awards. The ‘First Steps’ project has been shortlisted for Best Community Project to Rebuild Women’s Lives. First Steps is a free service for victims of domestic violence living in seven refuges across Kent. Gifting Policy – We’ve made two changes to our existing Policy. We’ll no longer gift: „„ Temporary heaters „„ Used electrical items more than three years old. DBS Policy – This replaces our CRB Policy. It outlines how we decide which roles require a DBS (Disclosure & Barring Service) check. A DBS check will disclose any convictions, and HR decide if the nature of the offence bears a risk to the organisation or customers. It also states all staff (whether their role requires a DBS check or not) should declare any convictions. 2 Edition 64 - June 2015