Team Talk Sept 2013 | Page 12

BUILDINGS UPDATE ST. AIDAN’S A structural survey of St. Aidan’s Church, carried out earlier this year, has confirmed that the existing structure is sound; therefore, the PCC has decided to retain the building and to explore how it could be developed as a ‘worship and outreach centre’ where the worship of God and Christian service among the wider community would be the hallmark of the local church’s life and witness. Consequently, the PCC then employed the services of Baker Mallett, who specialise in structural plans and quantity surveying, to produce a report to provide detailed plans for consideration and a draft programme which would enable this vision for St Aidan’s to become a reality. In short the plans include the replacement of the existing roof of St. Aidan’s Church, re-ordering within the existing building which would include a cafe area and toilets, and the renovation of the external appearance of the church building. The report also includes improvements to the existing kitchen and toilets in St Aidan’s Hall and the linkage between the church and the hall. The PCC agreed unanimously with the suggested plans and have asked Baker Mallet to provide a visual presentation which will enable wider consultation. The PCC will arrange an open meeting towards the end of September 2013 when all members of St Aidan’s congregation, along with others from the wider South Barrow Team and the wider community. This ‘process’ has prompted the PCC to consider our primary purpose as members of God’s Church in South Barrow. Once final agreement is reached on the plans the relevant permissions will be sought, along with monies to finance the reinstatement and development of St Aidan’s. Please pray for God’s wisdom and guidance for the future, with its challenges and opportunities.