Team Talk Sept 2013 | Page 11

BARROW FOODBANK NEWS written by Sheila Darlington As you will have seen from articles in the Evening Mail and our weekly news sheets, weekly numbers using the Foodbank since opening in July 2012 have quadrupled. Over 2000 people, half of them children, have been helped, and over 33,000 kg of food donated and distributed. Numbers needing help are expected to rise with the welfare reforms beginning to bite and winter around the corner. Robust checks are now in force to ensure only those entitled can access help, so you can be sure your donations are going to the right people. To help the Foodbank increase stocks, you are invited to bring items from the list below to the Harvest Thanksgiving Services on 22nd September. Thank you for all your help over the last year - please continue to give what you can. UHT milk (not fresh or skimmed) Teabags Tinned fish Tinned tomatoes Tinned rice pudding Pasta sauce Sugar (500g or 1kg) Biscuits or snack bars UHT fruit juice Tinned meat Tinned fruit and vegetables Tinned sponge pudding Custard (tinned or UHT) Instant mashed potato Jam Cereal - medium or large Non food items such as nappies, baby wipes, shower gel, shampoo, sanitary protection and toothpaste.