Team Talk Sept 2013 | Page 10

Teaching Day with Bishop James ‘WHAT IS THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT?’ 5th October - 9.30am to 2.30pm St. Mark’s Church, Buccleuch Street WHAT IS THE AIM OF THE DAY? This teaching day is part of our programme for ‘Growing Disciples’. Previous days have looked at the Gospels, The Bible, Prayer, Mission, The Church, the Kingdom of God and Evangelism. This year Bishop James will continue the ‘What is…? Series with an in depth look at ‘The Sermon on the Mount’ under the headings ‘Christian Character’, ‘Christian Culture’ & ‘Christian Commitment’. ‘What is The Sermon on the Mount?’ will be offered in only four locations, including one our ‘doorstep’ here in Barrow. The aim of the Teaching Day is to build confidence in the Christian faith, and it is intended to complement the teaching that already goes on so faithfully in our Parishes and Deaneries. WHO CAN COME? The Teaching days are open to anyone at all. COST? There is no charge but you may wish to make a contribution to the cost of the Coffee. Please bring your own packed lunch. If you would like to attend the Teaching Day, please pick up a leaflet from the back of church or contact Gary (877367) and complete the Registration Form (this will help with planning) and pass this on to Gary by 29th September.