The removal of items from St Luke’s is almost complete - we are
tremendously grateful to Ted Fenton and Jeff Dandy for arranging this;
Jeff kindly provided the transport and the labour to transfer items to
St. Aidan’s and St. George’s for future use.
The St. Luke’s site is now up for sale; the latest development possibilities
include sheltered accommodation for the elderly.
A meeting has been convened in early September to consider the extent
of repairs required at St. Perran’s and how to address them, while bearing
in mind the need to retain worship and outreach in the local area.
A grant application is being drafted towards meeting the cost of carrying
out necessary repairs to the external walls of St George’s. The work is
likely to cost £80,000.
Harvest Thanksgiving
22nd September
All services will provide an opportunity for us to celebrate God’s
generous provision and to consider those less fortunate than
8.30 am Harvest Holy Communion at St Perran’s
9.30 am Harvest Holy Communion at St Aidan’s
11 am Harvest Holy Communion at St George’s
Harvest Lunch afterwards with proceeds to the
Bishop’s Harvest for the Hungry Appeal
You are invited to bring items for the Barrow Foodbank
to your local Harvest Thanksgiving Service; also, special
envelopes will be provided for donations to the Bishop’s
Harvest for the Hungry Appeal.