Team Talk Feb 2013 | Page 6

St Luke’s Women’s Fellowship Our two meeƟngs before our Christmas break were excellent. We are very grateful to both Walter Johnson and Robert Wheatley for their talks; both were most interesƟng and very enjoyable. We met on 10th January when I took along my CD player and some of my most loved CD’s; fortunately everyone agreed with my choice and we had a lovely aŌernoon. We look forward to an aŌernoon with Linda Cronin on 24th January and on 7th February we are going out for our late Christmas Lunch! There will be no meeƟng on Thursday 14 February as we will have been to Church on Wednesday, 13 February, for the Ash Wednesday Holy Communion Service. On 21st and 28th February, as well as 7th, 14th & 21st March. there will be a series of Lent meeƟngs on Thursday aŌernoon at 2 pm at St George’s, which we look forward to. Our Lent meeƟngs are always interesƟng and enjoyable and are open to all—why not come along! Pat Hughes 6 St Luke’s Mother’s Union On 17 January Gary, our Team Rector, gave an extremely interesƟng talk and showed beauƟful slides of his and Julie’s visit to Laos where the Paton family are serving with the Church Mission Society. Laos is a beauƟful country bordered by Vietnam, China, Thailand, Cambodia and Myanmar (Burma). The old name for Laos was ’Land of a million elephants’ but there are only 2000 today. Gary showed us slides of the country which is very diverse with elaborate Buddhist temples and much poverty. ChrisƟanity is a minority religion and is restricted by the communist government. Even so ChrisƟans are making a real difference among real people. The Lenten meeƟngs (see page 5) are always very good and are for the whole parish not just the Mother’s Union. Finally, the MU Tribute £14.15 is now due—please give to Eileen Jones as soon as possible. Doreen Finch