Disciples Together (Lent 2013)
growing in faith and maturity with one another!
Last September you may recall being invited to submit various
slips of paper containing your dreams for the local church and
your hopes for the future. The PCC spent a useful morning pondering these
responses as we consider God’s plans for His Church in South Barrow. The
call to ‘grow disciples’ lies at the heart of the Vision of Bishop James and the
Carlisle diocese and ‘Disciples Together’ will seek to enable us to:
explore what it means to be members of the Body of Christ locally
ask ‘what is the Church for?’ and ‘are we really growing disciples?’
consider our strengths and weaknesses as disciple-growing churches
spark ideas for future acƟon together in our church communiƟes.
The meeƟngs planned for Lent 2013 will be informal and informaƟve; there
will be the opportunity to ask quesƟons and to discus ́ѡ