Want to see primary children engaging with the Bible?
Enjoy telling stories?
Have you ever thought that children in schools might be missing out on what
the Bible has to show them? They could go through their enƟre school life
without ever learning about Adam and Eve, Noah, David, Jonah ... or even
the life of Jesus and the stories of the New Testament.
Open the Book is a naƟonal storytelling programme delivered by ChrisƟans
in the local primary school; It offers a programme of themed and dramaƟsed
Bible stories delivered by volunteer storytellers using drama, mime, props
and costume to present the Bible stories in ways that are lively, engaging,
informaƟve ... and great fun for everyone.
On Sunday 17 February an ‘Open The Book Team’ will be coming along to the
Team Service at St Aidan’s to share something of what they do at St Paul’s
and Dane Ghyll Schools; what is striking about the ‘Open The Book Team’ is
that none of the ladies involved had done anything like it before but were
prepared to ‘give it a go’. Now there’s no holding them back—they love it
and the schools love having them to tell stories from the Bible!
In the South Barrow Team area we have six primary schools; it is impossible
for the clergy to get into all the schools. Across Barrow Deanery we hope to
have two or three ‘Open The Book’ Teams who will be available to go into
local schools once or twice a month to ‘Open the Book (the Bible). Is this
something you might be interested in doing? Come
along to the TEAM SERVICE on Sunday 17
February at 10 am at St Aidan’s and see ’Open the
Book’ in acƟon. Also, why not chat to Gary, our Team
Rector, to find out more.