Team Talk - April Edition Volume 10 | Page 13

8 . He helps her put on / take off her coat Up through the Edwardian period , women wore multiple layers , and beneath them a restricting corset . A gentleman would help his lady put on and take off her coat because of her restricted movement .
9 . He doesn ’ t walk ahead of her Because ladies wore long dresses and could trip on them , the gentleman walked behind her when climbing a staircase . Tumbling down a flight of stairs isn ’ t a good way to end a date . Today , the gentleman follows this etiquette rule because she might be wearing long heels or a long dress . This is another sign of him protecting her . However , she may want him to walk up stairs first if she ’ s wearing a short skirt .
10 . He gives up his seat to her if there is only standing room A gentleman offers his seat to a lady if there are no other seats on the bus / train . I ’ m talking to you … the dude who wouldn ’ t give his seat up to the pregnant lady .
11 . He carries her bags A gentleman will help her carry her bags today , and when flying , will assist others in putting their luggage in the overhead compartments .
12 . He picks up the check An English gentleman never split the meal with his date . The English used the term “ go dutch ” in “ derisive application ,” as they stereotyped the Dutch as being cheap , or “ stingy .” Today , the gentleman generally picks up the tab , especially on the first date , and with no expectations .
13 . He holds an umbrella over her when it rains It was common for a younger person to hold an umbrella for an older person . When it rains , the gentleman holds an umbrella over her and doesn ’ t mind getting a little wet .
14 . He gives her his jacket A gentleman pays attention , and if he notices her shivering , he gives her his jacket to wear .
15 . He keeps her secrets A gentleman will always keep a secret , especially the one entrusted to him by the woman of his dreams . Should a break-up happen , the gentleman can still be trusted .
16 . He walks her home or to safety A true gentleman will walk her to her car or home to this day because he ’ s concerned for her safety .
17 . He listens to her “ To be a good listener is as indispensable as to be a good talker …” The Gentlemen ’ s Book of Etiquette , and Manual of Politeness ( 1860 ). A gentleman always listens because he wants to deeply get to know her .
18 . He ’ s on time A gentleman is his word . Traffic is not an excuse for being late to a date . A good man plans in advance . Don ’ t keep her waiting .
19 . He compliments her She spent a lot of time getting ready , so a gentleman always compliments . He doesn ’ t play on her insecurities . Negging is for creeps .
20 . He would never dream of hitting ANY woman “… the greatest man would justly be reckoned a brute if he were not civil to the meanest woman ” Martine ’ s Handbook ( 1866 ). The same rules apply today . It doesn ’ t matter if you are Chris Brown or Ray Rice , a gentleman finds no excuse to hit a woman … no matter what .