Team Member Handbook Revised January 2023 | Page 9

We will determine whether the requested accommodation constitutes an undue hardship by considering various factors , including , but not limited to the nature and cost of the accommodation in light of our financial resources and the accommodation ’ s impact on the operation of our company , including its impact on the ability of other Team Members to perform their duties and our ability to conduct business .
The ADA does not require us to reallocate essential job functions or to provide personal use items such as eyeglasses , hearing aids , and wheelchairs . We retain sole discretion to determine the reasonableness of requested accommodations .
You must comply with safety rules at all times . We make every effort to place applicants and Team members in positions for which they are qualified . However , in the event that you are placed in a position where , with or without a reasonable accommodation , you would create a direct threat to the safety or health of yourself or others , we may remove you from the position until we can obtain medical documentation regarding your ability to safely perform the essential functions of the position .
Information obtained or provided in connection with the existence of a disability , or the need for an accommodation , will be kept strictly confidential , and will only be disclosed to those individuals who have an actual need to know about them , and then , only to the degree necessary .
If you have a question or concern about this policy , you are encouraged to bring these issues to the attention of Human Resources . You can raise concerns and make reports without fear of reprisal . Anyone found to be in violation of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action , up to and including termination of employment .
Personal Relationships in the Workplace 105
Effective Date : 04 / 01 / 2019
The employment of relatives or persons involved in dating relationships in the same area of the company may cause serious conflicts and problems with favoritism and Team Member morale . In addition , personal conflicts from outside the work environment can be carried into day-to-day working relationships .
We do not prohibit employing relatives of other Team Members , or persons involved in dating relationships with other Team Members . However , we monitor situations in which such individuals may work in the same area . Generally , relatives and persons involved in dating relationships will not be allowed to report to one another or otherwise work in a position that has control or influence over the other person ’ s hiring , advancement , performance evaluation , discipline , or termination . In case of actual or potential problems , we will take prompt action . This can include reassignment or , if necessary , termination of employment for one or both of the individuals involved .
Workplace dating relationships of any length and relative employment must be disclosed to Human Resources .
For the purposes of this policy , a relative is any person who is related by blood or marriage , or
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