Team Member Handbook Revised January 2023 | Page 64

Team Member Concerns and Suggestions 613
Effective Date : 01 / 01 / 2017
Effective communication between Team Members and management is essential to maintain a productive working relationship . If you have questions or concerns about your job or the Club ’ s policies we ask that you talk it over with your supervisor or Human Resources . If you do not raise your concerns , nothing will change .
In addition , recognizing that on-the-job work experience is the best source of suggestions for improvement in the workplace , we welcome and solicit ideas from all Team Members . We consider those suggestions that identify specific problems and propose suitable solutions to enhance our efficiency and effectiveness through increased productivity , reduced costs , improved and safer working conditions , conservation of resources and improved public services .
Suggestions concerning the Club ’ s operations , general maintenance , facilities , services or other matters should be made to the General Manager / CEO .
Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention 614
Effective Date : 03 / 01 / 2020
We provide a healthy and safe environment for the youths that we serve as a Club through camps and various youth programs .
Procedures for Detecting and Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect We have the following procedures for detecting and preventing child abuse and neglect :
Team Member selection and hiring : We establish Team Member selection and screening procedures to prevent individuals with a history of abuse from joining our Club , including such steps as :
• Conducting appropriate criminal background checking procedures ;
• Checking applicant references , including previous employers ; and
• Utilizing targeted interview questions .
Education : We educate managers and Team Members in the detection and prevention of child abuse and neglect .
Checklist for recognizing possible child maltreatment : We have a checklist of common signs of abuse or neglect . Team Members and managers should familiarize themselves with , and frequently consult the checklist that is available from Human Resources .
Two-deep leadership : No less than two authorized adults are required for all youth programming . We will ensure that sufficient leadership is provided for all activities .
No one-on-one contact : One-on-one contact between adults and youths is not permitted . Any meeting or discussion on private matters or sensitive issues , must be conducted in view of other adults and / or members .
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