Team Member Handbook Revised January 2023 | Page 63

Certain types of problems may be serious enough to justify bypassing some of these steps , or , in extreme situations , going straight to termination .
While it is impossible to list every type of behavior that may be deemed a serious offense , our Team Member Conduct and Work Rules policy includes examples of problems that may result in discipline and / or termination .
By using progressive discipline , we hope that most problems can be corrected at an early stage , without the need to pursue any additional interventions .
Employment Resignation and Termination 612
Effective Date : 01 / 01 / 2017
Termination of employment is an inevitable part of personnel activity within any organization , and many of the reasons for termination are routine . Below are examples of some of the most common circumstances under which employment is terminated :
Resignation / Retirement occurs any time you notify us of your intent to end your employment with us . If you wish to resign from your employment with us , please notify your supervisor or Human Resources in writing at least 2 weeks prior to your last day of employment with us . Failure to give at least 2 weeks ’ notice can result in forfeiture of unused vacation and ineligibility for rehire . Generally , you are not permitted to use vacation or PTO during your notice period .
If you resign , we may schedule an exit interview with you during your notice period to discuss the reasons for your resignation and the effect of the resignation on your benefits .
In some circumstances , we may need to adjust your last day of employment to a date sooner than the date you requested in your resignation .
Job Abandonment occurs any time you fail to report to work or contact your supervisor for two ( 2 ) or more scheduled workdays . Your official termination date will be the end of the last date you were actually at work . If a Team Member fails to report to work or call out within their first 90 days , they may be subject to termination .
Discharge / Termination occurs when we make the decision to terminate your employment for performance or conduct reasons . You are employed on an at-will basis ( unless otherwise specifically agreed upon ), which means that neither of us is obligated to continue the employment relationship , and either of us can choose to end it at any point .
Layoff occurs when we make the decision to end your employment for non-disciplinary reasons , such as business slow-downs , reorganizations , etc .
Your employment with us is voluntary and is subject to termination by you or us at will , with or without cause , and with or without notice , at any time . You will receive your final pay in accordance with applicable state laws .
Interlachen Country Club 58