Team Member Handbook Revised January 2023 | Page 62

Posting materials or sending electronic announcements are permitted only with prior approval from the Human Resources Department . Management reserves the right to monitor such communications and remove them if inappropriate or not in the best interest of the Club .
In respect for other ’ s efficiency , please do not use work email , voicemail or other resources as a means to solicit or distribute non-work materials . Activities that disrupt work hours or operations are prohibited .
This policy is not intended to restrict the statutory rights of Team Members , including the right to discuss terms and conditions of employment .
Progressive Discipline 611
Effective Date : 01 / 01 / 2017
This policy describes how we administer equitable and consistent discipline for unsatisfactory conduct and performance in the workplace . The best disciplinary measure is the one that does not have to be enforced and comes from good leadership and fair supervision at all levels .
We want to treat Team Members fairly and make sure that disciplinary actions are prompt , uniform , and impartial . Our goal for any disciplinary action is to correct the problem , prevent recurrence , and prepare the Team Member for satisfactory service in the future .
Although your employment with us is based on mutual consent and either of us have the right to terminate employment at will , with or without cause or advance notice , we may use progressive discipline at our discretion .
Disciplinary action may call for any of four steps -- verbal warning , written warning , performance improvement plan , or termination of employment -- depending on the severity of the problem and the number of occurrences .
Progressive discipline means that , with respect to most disciplinary problems , the following steps will typically be followed :
• 1 st warning : A first offense may require your supervisor to verbally counsel you about an issue of concern , and a written record of the discussion will be placed in your file for future reference .
• 2 nd warning : A subsequent offense may require a written warning which will be placed in your personnel file .
• 3 rd warning : Another offense may require a second written earning which will be place in your personnel file .
• Termination : If you have failed to resolve performance issues despite prior discussion , coaching or discipline , you may be terminated .
Interlachen Country Club 57