Team Member Handbook Revised January 2023 | Page 61

Gossip Free Policy 608
Effective Date : 01 / 01 / 2017
Rumors and gossip are hurtful to their subjects and are corrosive to the workplace . Such behavior causes anger , distrust , and resentment , and can lead to legal harassment or even workplace violence . Therefore , it is critical that you not engage in gossip or tell rumors about your fellow Team Members .
We expect Team Members to hold each other accountable , which means not participating in spreading gossip and rumors , and not tolerating it when others do . Team Members should refrain from passing gossip about Members and fellow Team Members . Gossiping may lead to disciplinary action , up to and including termination .
If you have concerns regarding anything in the workplace , please discuss directly with your supervisor or Human Resources .
Nothing in this policy is intended to restrict you from exercising legal rights under any applicable law , nor will you be subject to discipline for engaging in legally protected activity .
Security Inspections 609
Effective Date : 01 / 01 / 2017
In an effort to maintain a safe work environment , including one that is free of illegal drugs , alcohol , firearms , explosives , or other improper materials , and to discourage theft or unauthorized possession of our property or yours , we reserve the right to inspect all work areas , including vehicles , desks , storage containers , lockers , and areas where personal belongings may be kept . We require the cooperation of everyone in administering this policy .
Because of the urgency underlying such searches , we may conduct inspections at any time , and without advance notice to you .
In addition , we may also conduct inspections of persons entering and / or leaving the premises , as well as personal items , such as purses , coats , etc . Anyone who wishes to avoid inspection of any articles or materials should not bring such items to the workplace .
Solicitation 610
Effective Date : 04 / 01 / 2019 Revised Effective : 03 / 01 / 2020
In an effort to ensure a productive and harmonious work environment , non-Team Members may not solicit or distribute literature in the workplace at any time for any purpose .
Understanding that Team Members may occasionally wish to communicate with their coworkers to advertise personal items for sale or to participate in fundraisers for non-profit organizations , children ’ s schools and other non-work events , we allow the use of lunchrooms and electronic bulletin boards to distribute such information . However , you may not solicit or distribute literature concerning these activities during working time , unless we are sponsoring the activity . Working time does not include lunch periods , work breaks , or any other periods in which Team Members are not on duty .
Interlachen Country Club 56