Team Member Handbook Revised January 2023 | Page 65

Respect privacy : Respect the privacy of youths at all times , except to the extent of health and safety concerns .
Separate accommodations : At outdoor and overnight activities , youths are not permitted to sleep with an adult other than their parent or guardian unless two-deep leadership is followed . Separate restrooms and shower facilities will be provided . If this is not possible , scheduled times for arranged use of facilities for youths and adults will be created and / or two-deep leadership will be followed .
Inappropriate use of cameras , imaging , and digital devices : It is inappropriate to use any device capable of recording or transmitting visual images in any areas where privacy is expected by participants .
No secret organizations : All programs and activities are open to observation by parents and adult members . Physical hazing and initiations are prohibited .
Appropriate attire : Proper , modest attire for all activities is required . Procedures for Responding to and Reporting Suspected Abuse or Neglect
You are required to report any good-faith suspicion or belief that any child is or has been physically or sexually abused , physically or emotionally neglected , exposed to any form of violence or threat , exposed to any form of sexual exploitation , including the possession , manufacture , or distribution of child pornography , online solicitation , enticement , or showing of obscene material . You may not abdicate this reporting responsibility to any other person .
In the event an act of child abuse or neglect is witnessed , reported , or suspected the following procedures are to be followed :
• Remove the youth from immediate danger and provide medical attention if needed .
• Control emotions , give support , and get information about the incident .
• Promptly report the abuse or neglect to the General Manager / CEO , and work with that individual to determine the appropriate level of response , including the notification of the local social services department and / or police .
• If the suspected abuser is NOT the parent / guardian , notification should be made to Parents / Guardians by the General Manager / CEO as soon as possible advising them of situation and any action taken .
You do not have to know for certain that abuse or neglect has occurred in order to make a report or bring forward a concern . Instead , you should come forward if you have a reasonable suspicion that abuse or neglect has occurred .
Failure to Report
Any Team Member failing to report a case of suspected child neglect or abuse may be subject to discipline and / or termination , as well as possible criminal prosecution . Most importantly , without making a report , a child may continue to be at risk .
Interlachen Country Club 60