Team Member Handbook Revised January 2023 | Page 59

Manageable absences ( such as doctor ’ s appointments ) should be scheduled outside of normal working hours whenever possible , or at least at times that are as minimally disruptive to the workplace as possible . In most cases , if you are absent for two or more days without proper notification ( i . e ., are a no-call / no-show for those days ), you will be considered to have abandoned or voluntarily terminated your position .
Poor attendance and excessive tardiness negatively impact the workplace . Similarly , failure to follow proper reporting procedures can be very disruptive . As a result , attendance will be taken into consideration during Team Member performance appraisals . Moreover , any of these problems may lead to disciplinary action , up to and including termination of employment , so we expect that you will make punctuality and attendance a top priority .
Personal Appearance 604
Effective Date : 01 / 01 / 2017
Dress , grooming , and personal cleanliness standards contribute to the morale of all Team Members and affect the business image we project to members and visitors .
During business hours or when representing us , you are expected to present a neat , clean and professional appearance and limit natural or artificial scents that could be distracting or annoying to others . You should dress and groom yourself according to the requirements of your position and accepted social standards . This is particularly true if your job involves dealing with members or visitors in person . Where necessary , reasonable accommodation may be made for Team Members with disabilities , or who have legitimate religious needs .
Your supervisor or Human Resources is responsible for establishing a reasonable dress code appropriate to the job you perform . If your supervisor feels your personal appearance is inappropriate , you may be asked to leave the workplace until you are properly dressed or groomed . Under such circumstance , you may not be compensated for the time away from work .
Consult your supervisor if you have questions as to what constitutes appropriate appearance .
Return of Property 605
Effective Date : 01 / 01 / 2017
You are responsible for the safety and security of items that we issue to you or that are in your possession or control , including , but not limited to , the following :
• Cell phones
• Computers / laptops
• Credit cards
• Member data and information
• Equipment
• Identification badges
• Keys
• Manuals
• Uniforms
• Written materials
You may be required to sign a loan receipt and payroll deduction authorization as a condition of receiving Club property or equipment . You must return all of our property immediately upon request or upon termination of employment . Failure to return our property could result in legal action .
Interlachen Country Club 54