Team Member Handbook Revised January 2023 | Page 58

We do not tolerate any retaliation against any Team Member who reports an incident of alleged harassment or inappropriate workplace behavior , or provides information during an investigation , and will take measures to protect all such Team Members from retaliation . Engaging in retaliatory behavior is a violation of this policy , and is grounds for corrective action , up to and including termination of employment .
Off-Site Events
On occasion , you may have the opportunity to participate in off-site events such as work related social gatherings , planning sessions , retreats , member meetings , or conferences . These settings , which may be more informal than our workplace , can facilitate new learning , creative thinking and camaraderie among Team Members , vendors , and third parties . We expect that you will demonstrate the same professional standards of behavior at these events as you would in the workplace . Two specific guidelines should be kept in mind :
• If alcoholic beverages are served , they must be consumed in moderation .
• Harassment in any form will not be tolerated .
Liability for Harassment
If you violate this policy , you will be subject to disciplinary action , up to and including termination from employment . You may also be subject to personal legal liability for violation of this policy .
If you want more information about our harassment policy or complaint process , please contact a supervisor , Human Resources , or the General Manager / CEO .
Attendance and Punctuality 603
Effective Date : 01 / 01 / 2017
To help us maintain a safe and productive work environment , we expect you to be reliable and punctual in reporting for scheduled work . Unapproved absenteeism and tardiness place a burden on us and the rest of your team . As a result , we do not pass judgment on , or give consideration to , the reasons why you may need to be absent from work . Instead , we focus only on the fact and frequency of absences . Similarly , just because you may have some amount of paid leave available does not mean that an absence will be “ excused ,” or won ’ t be counted against your attendance . However , absences protected by law will not be counted against your attendance record , although we may require medical or other documentation to substantiate these absences .
In the rare instances when you cannot avoid being late to work or are unable to work as scheduled , notify your supervisor as soon as possible in advance of the anticipated tardiness or absence . In general , you are expected to actually speak with your supervisor , and calling coworkers rather than the supervisor will not be acceptable . Similarly , calls from friends , family members , or coworkers to report tardiness or absences will not be accepted .
Interlachen Country Club 53