Team Member Handbook Revised January 2023 | Page 57

If you experience harassment in the workplace , whether by Team Members or non-Team Members , take the following steps :
• Take immediate action rather than ignoring the problem and waiting for it to go away ;
• Tell the offending person , if you feel comfortable doing so , that his or her actions or comments are unwelcome , that the behavior is offensive and it must stop immediately ;
• Report the incident as soon as possible to a supervisor , Human Resources , or the General Manager / CEO ; and
• Remember that we will not tolerate any retaliation against you for reporting concerns about harassing behavior or conduct .
If you witness harassment , take the following steps :
• Take the incident ( s ) seriously ;
• Refuse to condone or participate in the behavior ;
• Encourage the victim to speak with his or her supervisor , Human Resources , or the General Manager / CEO ; and
• Express suspicions or concerns to the appropriate supervisor , Human Resources , or the General Manager / CEO so that we can be alerted to any possibly harassing situations .
If you engage in harassing behavior or have been accused of engaging in harassing or inappropriate behavior , take the following steps :
• Stop the behavior immediately ;
• Listen to the person complaining about the behavior ; and
• Learn from the experience and do not repeat it .
You are protected from retaliation for making a complaint or exercising other rights protected by law .
We will promptly investigate any report of harassment and will take swift and appropriate action at the end of our investigation . Complaints will be handled as discreetly as possible , although we cannot guarantee absolute confidentiality , since the alleged harasser is entitled to answer the charges , particularly if discipline or termination is a possible outcome .
You must cooperate fully during any investigation or fact-finding we conduct and must provide honest and complete information . You cannot choose to “ stay out of it ” if you are asked for information that you have or have access to . This is true whether you are the complaining party , the accused party , or a potential witness .
Failure to participate fully and honestly in the investigative process , or in any fact-finding process initiated by us , is a serious violation of Club policy and grounds for disciplinary action , which may include termination from employment .
Interlachen Country Club 52