Team Member Handbook Revised January 2023 | Page 54

• Excessive absenteeism or any absences without notice
• Unauthorized absence from workstation during the workday
• Performing work outside of your scheduled workday without prior authorization from your supervisor if you are an hourly employee
• Unauthorized use of computers , telephones , mail system , or other employer-owned equipment or networks
• Unauthorized disclosure of business “ secrets ” or confidential information
• Inappropriate words , actions , or conduct , inside or outside of the workplace that may reflect poorly upon , or cause harm to , our Club . This prohibition applies even words , actions , or conduct that occurs completely on personal time , including on Internet social networking sites . However , this is not intended to prohibit you from exercising legal rights and you will not be disciplined for engaging in protected activity .
• Unsatisfactory performance or conduct , including inefficiency , inattentiveness , and failure to manage and complete necessary workloads within scheduled hours
• Violation of personnel policies
Duty to Report Violations
Report any matter that you believe violates this policy and / or may result in any of the following : monetary loss , damage to reputation , or harm to an individual ( s ). Reporting such matters is essential so that we can respond appropriately . We do not retaliate against any Team Member who , in good faith , reports suspected violations of our policies .
Drugs and Alcohol 601
Effective Date : 01 / 01 / 2017
We want to maintain a healthful and safe workplace that is free from improper drug or alcohol use . Our policies described below help us promote this goal .
Prohibited Uses of Alcohol , Illegal Drugs , and Legal Drugs
While on our premises and while conducting business-related activities off our premises , you may not use , possess , distribute , sell , or be under the influence of alcohol , illegal drugs , or any legal drugs ( including prescribed drugs ) that might cause you impairment or impact your ability to fully or safely perform the functions of your position .
Team Member Assistance Program
Our Team Member Assistance Program ( TMAP ) provides confidential counseling and referral services if you need assistance with such problems as drug and / or alcohol abuse or addiction . We encourage you to address any questions or concerns you may have about substance dependency or abuse with the TMAP , and to review the treatment programs that may be covered under our health insurance program or any other health insurance program that provides coverage to you . You can discuss these matters with your supervisor or Human Resources to receive assistance or referrals to appropriate resources in the community .
Interlachen Country Club 49