Team Member Handbook Revised January 2023 | Page 53

Team Member Conduct and Work Rules 600
Effective Date : 01 / 01 / 2017
In order to maintain the excellent reputation we have earned with our members and to provide the best possible work environment for you and your fellow Team Members , we expect you to follow the rules of conduct set forth in this policy .
Performing with Integrity and Honesty
Any time you are interacting with someone connected to our workplace , their perception of your words , actions , and behaviors is more important than your intent . As a result , we expect you to perform with the highest level of integrity possible and to be honest and fair when you interact with members , management , and other Team Members .
If you are ever in doubt about whether a particular course of action is appropriate , seek guidance from Human Resources .
Treating Others with Respect
Treat all members with respect and demonstrate genuine concern for their needs , because one bad experience can ruin the relationship . Consideration , respect and courtesy also play important roles in maintaining positive and productive working relationships with your supervisors and other Team Members . Everyone is expected to communicate and work in a manner that is respectful to others .
Unacceptable Conduct
While it is not possible to list all the forms of behavior that are considered unacceptable in the workplace , the following are examples of actions and behaviors that may result in disciplinary action , up to and including termination of employment :
• Theft or inappropriate removal or possession of property
• Unethical , immoral , or criminal conduct in or outside of the workplace
• Dishonesty or misrepresentation including , but not limited to , falsification of timekeeping records , misrepresentation on employment applications , or dishonesty in an investigation
• Working under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs
• Possession , distribution , sale , transfer , or use of alcohol or illegal drugs in the workplace , while on duty , or while operating tools and equipment
• Fighting or threatening violence in the workplace
• Boisterous or disruptive activity in the workplace
• Negligence or improper conduct leading to damage of employer-owned or member-owned property
• Insubordination or other disrespectful conduct
• Violation of safety or health rules
• Smoking or using tobacco in prohibited areas
• Sexual or other unlawful or unwelcome harassment
• Unless otherwise provided by state law , possession of firearms , explosives or other dangerous or unauthorized materials , in the workplace or while working off Club property . ( This prohibition applies even if you have a legal permit to carry a weapon .)
Interlachen Country Club 48