Team Member Handbook Revised January 2023 | Page 52

Nothing in this policy prohibits you from exercising any legal right under any applicable law , nor will you be subject to discipline for any posts that are legally protected . However , you should be aware that most posts to personal social networking sites are not entitled to legal protection , and any such posts may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment , if they violate this or any other Club policy .
If you have been the subject of online harassment or bullying , notify Human Resources or any member of management .
Workplace Monitoring 513
Effective Date : 01 / 01 / 2017
From time to time , we conduct workplace monitoring to ensure quality control , Team Member safety , security , and member satisfaction .
We reserve the right to monitor your computer , Internet , and e-mail usage as described in our Computer , Internet and E-mail Usage policy , including any personal usage to which you may put our systems , networks , or equipment .
We may monitor and record your telephone conversations , especially if you regularly communicate with members , to identify and correct performance problems through targeted training .
We may conduct video surveillance of non-private workplace areas to identify safety concerns , maintain quality control , detect theft and misconduct , and discourage or prevent acts of harassment and workplace violence . Any such video surveillance may include audio recording , as well .
We perform workplace monitoring in an ethical and respectful manner , and we are sensitive to the privacy concerns of Team Members .
Recording Devices in the Workplace 514
Effective Date : 01 / 01 / 2017
Team Members are prohibited from using cameras or other audio or visual recording devices in areas and / or meetings where member privacy , our trade secrets , or confidential business information may be compromised . In addition , Team Members may not record or take photographs of people without the prior agreement of those people being recorded or photographed . And even in those situations where recording conversations or interactions may not be prohibited by this policy , many states prohibit the recording of conversations or meetings unless the consent of all participating parties is obtained prior to the recording .
Please see our Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure policy for more information about the protection of our confidential business information and trade secrets .
Interlachen Country Club 47