Team Member Handbook Revised January 2023 | Page 51

• Posting photos of yourself or other Team Members in Club attire or videos of any kind taken on or using Club property
• Unlawfully gaining access to another Team Member ’ s social networking website or profile
• Demanding or otherwise requiring applicants or Team Members to give you their social networking passwords
Connecting with Team Members and Members Online
You are free to network online with your fellow Team Members during non-working time . However , due to the highly confidential and personal information often maintained in online profiles , supervisors and managers are strongly discouraged from making or accepting invitations such as “ friend requests ” to or from direct reports .
Similarly , if you receive such connection requests from fellow Team Members , you should not feel compelled to accept such requests if you desire to keep your personal information confidential . You are also encouraged to utilize all appropriate privacy settings to ensure your information is shared and viewed only by those you intend to have access .
If you network with your fellow Team Members or club members online , you must respect all of our policies such as the Team Member Conduct and Work Rules , Sexual and Other Unlawful Harassment , Confidentiality & Non-Disclosure , and any non-compete or non-solicitation agreement in place .
In some situations , you may be permitted to network with our members or other Team Members using professional networking websites such as LinkedIn , but you are required to exercise professional judgment when communicating on these professional networking websites and must comply with all of the policies contained in this handbook . If you have any question as to whether a website or post would violate Club policy , you are encouraged to seek input from Human Resources without fear of reprisal or retaliation .
Resolving Conflict
When communicating online , we encourage you to be fair and courteous to current and former Team Members , club members , and vendors . Work-related issues are more likely to be resolved by speaking directly with Team Members or going to managers or other business leaders within ICC where Team Members feel comfortable speaking freely .
Should you decide to post a complaint or criticisms , avoid using statements , photographs , videos or audio that reasonably could be viewed as malicious , obscene , harassing , threatening , intimidating , bullying , or that disparage Team Members , club members , or vendors .
Monitoring and Consequences for Policy Violations
While we have no general practice of reviewing your personal profiles on social media sites , you should be aware that if such profiles contain information suggesting conduct that violates this or any other Club policy , such information may form the basis for an appropriate investigation and / or discipline .
Interlachen Country Club 46