Team Member Handbook Revised January 2023 | Page 50

If you have questions about acceptable usage of the computer or networks we provide you , please contact Human Resources .
Social Networking Websites
Social Networking Websites and Online Communications 512
Effective Date : 01 / 01 / 2017
Social networking sites present unique opportunities for you to communicate with others and express yourself in a public forum . However , social networking also poses significant risks to the workplace , even if your social networking activities are conducted completely on your own time and on your personal devices and networks . As a result , you need to always be mindful of how the things you post and do online might impact your coworkers , our reputation , and your professional reputation .
Online Code of Conduct
Although you are solely responsible for what you post or endorse online , since what you say and do can impact us and your coworkers , we ’ ve come up with some examples of online behaviors that we consider to be unacceptable :
• Sending or posting discriminatory , defamatory , harassing , bullying or threatening messages or images ( including photographs or videos ) regarding any current or former Team Member
• Making any defamatory , slanderous or derogatory reference or post against any prospect , member , vendor or business partner that may harm or interfere with our brand statement , working relationships or current contracts
• Posting any confidential , proprietary or non-public Club information or documents , including , but not limited to , information listed in our Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure policy
• Posting comments or opinions regarding our products or services , and which may be construed as violating applicable law ( e . g ., the FTC ’ s Endorsement Guidelines )
• Failing to respect the financial disclosure laws by posting our financial information , which could be perceived as giving outsiders an unfair advantage or insight (“ tip ”) into our Club in violation of applicable laws
• Posting any confidential information pertaining to Team Members or members , which may otherwise be protected under applicable laws such as state privacy and disability laws , Red Flag Regulations , ADA , HIPAA or GINA
• Disclosing any information protected by attorney-client privilege , legal hold or spoliation order
• Representing ( or otherwise giving the impression ) that you are speaking on our behalf
• Failing to use proper disclaimers with anything that might be connected back to us , such as “ postings on this site are my own and do not represent others ’ opinions , philosophies or business strategies ”
• Posting photographs , videos or images of other Team Members without proper authorization , or failing to remove such images when requested by another Team Member
• Using our logo for commercial gain , or otherwise using our logo in a non-commercial setting that would be inconsistent with our code of ethics and organizational brand
Interlachen Country Club 45