Team Member Handbook Revised January 2023 | Page 49

material , do not own the rights to it , or have not gotten authorization for its use , you should not put it on the Internet or transmit it through the e-mail system .
The following behaviors are examples of actions and activities that are prohibited and can result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment :
• Sending or posting messages or images that are disruptive , offensive , discriminatory , obscene , threatening , harassing , intimidating , or harmful to morale
• Using Club email to solicit for outside commercial ventures , religious or political causes , outside organizations , or other non-business matters
• Downloading large files , streaming audio / video , and visiting social networking sites or chat rooms for personal use
• Using our computers for personal gain
• Using or disclosing someone else ’ s code or password without authorization
• Sending or posting confidential material , trade secrets , or proprietary information outside of the Club ( such information includes , but is not limited to , information outlined in our Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure policy )
• Failing to observe licensing agreements
• Engaging in unauthorized transactions that may incur a cost to the Club or initiate unwanted Internet services and transmissions
• Viewing or exchanging pornography or obscene materials
• Sending or posting messages that defame or slander other individuals
• Attempting to break into the computer system of another organization or person
• Refusing to cooperate with a security investigation or destroying , concealing , or disclosing information protected by attorney-client privilege , legal hold or spoliation order
• Sending or posting chain letters or advertisements not related to business purposes or activities
• Using the computer for gambling of any sort
• Using Club provided email address or website addresses to register for any social networking website or online blog without prior written approval
• Jeopardizing the security of the organization ’ s electronic communications systems
• Sending or posting messages that disparage other organizations
• Passing off personal views as representing those of ICC
• Sending anonymous e-mail messages
• Using the computer for purposes of seeking other employment or preparing or posting a resume
• Loading personal software without permission
• Engaging in any other illegal activities
• Engaging in any other computer related activity determined by us to be inappropriate or unacceptable
If you receive a suspicious email , you should not reply to it , click on any links in the email , or hand over sensitive financial or Club information . You should forward any suspicious emails to your supervisor .
Interlachen Country Club 44