Team Member Handbook Revised January 2023 | Page 55

Alcohol in Club-Approved Situations
From time to time , the consumption of moderate amounts of alcohol may be permitted at Clubsponsored events or with the express approval of the General Manager / CEO . If you consume alcohol under such circumstances , you must drink responsibly , must not become intoxicated , and must not return to work after drinking . Similarly , if you bring guests to functions where the consumption of alcohol has been approved , you are responsible for the conduct of any such guests and must prevent your guests from becoming intoxicated or getting out of control .
If you have any questions on this policy or issues related to drug or alcohol use in the workplace , please raise your concerns with your supervisor or Human Resources .
Harassment , Bullying & Offensive Behavior 602
Effective Date : 12 / 01 / 2017
We are committed to providing a work environment where you and all other Team Members are treated with dignity , decency , and respect . In keeping with this policy , we will not tolerate bullying , harassment , offensive behaviors , or retaliation ( hereinafter , “ harassment ,” unless otherwise noted ). This policy extends to workplace harassment involving non-Team Members , such as outside vendors , suppliers , consultants , or members . Conduct prohibited by this policy is unacceptable in the workplace and in any work-related setting outside of the workplace , such as during business trips , business meetings and social events , or where there is an impact in the workplace .
What is Harassment ?
Harassment is hostile or offensive physical conduct , verbal comments , or written comments including , but not limited to , electronic communications , such as online posts or text messaging if that conduct :
• Has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating , hostile or offensive working environment ;
• Unreasonably interferes with an individual ’ s work performance or opportunities ; or
• Otherwise affects the terms and conditions of employment .
Harassment because of the individual ’ s race , color , religion , sex , pregnancy , citizenship , national origin , age , disability , military service , veteran status , genetic information , union membership , creed , marital status , familial status , sexual orientation , status with regards to public assistance , membership in a local human rights commission , use of lawful consumable products , or any other status protected by law is unacceptable and will not be tolerated .
Interlachen Country Club 50