Team Member Handbook Revised January 2023 | Page 47

You should submit completed expense reports in the month in which you incurred the expense . Reports must include receipts for each separate expense .
If you travel for business purposes and are accompanied by family , a spouse , or a significant other , you are responsible for any costs associated with your travel companions .
Contact your supervisor for guidance and assistance on procedures related to expense reports , reimbursement for specific expenses , or business travel issues .
Visitors in the Workplace 509
Effective Date : 01 / 01 / 2017
To provide for the safety and security of you and other Team Members , only authorized visitors are allowed in the workplace . Restricting unauthorized visitors helps maintain safety standards , protects against theft , ensures security of equipment , protects confidential information , safeguards your welfare , and avoids potential distractions and disturbances .
Because our club is exclusive , private , and membership-based , your friends and family members are generally discouraged from paying visits while you are working . If you want to tour to a friend or family member , please contact your supervisor . Former ( Involuntarily Terminated ) Team Members are prohibited from coming onsite under any circumstances .
All visitors should enter the club through the main entrance . Authorized visitors will receive directions or be escorted to their destination . Visitors are not allowed in the Team Member back hallways or locker rooms and are not to loiter in the Club or parking lot . The back areas of the Club are for current working Team Members and are not open to the public or non-Team Members . You are responsible for the conduct and safety of your visitors and are not to let the presence of a visitor interfere with the performance of work .
If an unauthorized individual is observed on our premises , immediately notify your supervisor or , if necessary , escort the individual to the reception area .
Phones and Electronic Devices 510
Effective Date : 01 / 01 / 2017
Whether it ’ s using our phones or your own electronic devices , we know that you may occasionally want to text , make / take phone calls , and otherwise use them for personal purposes . Where possible , any such use should be confined to nonworking times such as breaks or meal periods and should not interfere with your ability to effectively perform in your position , or distract your coworkers . With this in mind , cell phones and other electronic devices should generally be on silent during times you are working , and kept out of designated work areas , unless carrying such a device is necessary for work purposes , or prior approval has been obtained . Similarly , for safety and other reasons , you should not be using earbuds or listening to content on your electronic device during working times .
Interlachen Country Club 42