Team Member Handbook Revised January 2023 | Page 44

If we decide to stay open , but you choose not to work or anticipate being late , you must follow the call-in and notice procedures set forth in our Attendance and Punctuality policy . You will be charged with a vacation / PTO day .
Smoking , Tobacco Products , and Vaping 503
Effective Date : 01 / 01 / 2017 Revised Effective : 03 / 01 / 2020
We prohibit smoking , the use of tobacco products ( such as chewing tobacco ), and vaping in all of our facilities and anywhere on our property . This policy also applies to e-cigarettes , vaporizers , and similar products , whether they are used for tobacco , nicotine , oils , chemicals , flavorings , or other substances .
This policy applies equally to all Team Members and their guests . Violations of this policy may result in discipline , up to and including termination of employment .
Rest and Meal Periods 504
Effective Date : 01 / 01 / 2017
For each shift of 6.5 or more hours , you are provided with one mandatory unpaid meal period of 30 minutes in length ( which is automatically deducted by the time clock per our Timekeeping policy ), and two paid rest periods of ten minutes in length . To the extent possible , rest periods will be provided in the middle of work periods . Supervisors are responsible for scheduling meal breaks and may use discretion in determining meal periods based on upon the needs of the business . If you do not take your 30-minute meal period , notify your supervisor or Human Resources so that your time entry can be corrected .
For shifts lasting 8 hours or more , you can take an additional 15-minute break . Extra 15-minute breaks cannot be taken at the beginning or end of a shift .
For shifts of less than 6 hours , you may come early and eat in the lunchroom prior to clocking in for your shift , or you may eat after clocking out for the day .
For shifts of less than 4 hours , you will not receive a paid rest period .
Note that all Team Members needing a bathroom break can take them when necessary , regardless of the length of your shift .
You must notify the manager on duty and other Team Members when you leave the floor .
If eligible for paid rest breaks , you are strongly encouraged to take your breaks , and not to perform work while on break . Typically , you are not allowed to combine your breaks , take them with your meal periods , or use them to leave early with pay . Since break time is counted and paid as time worked , you must not be absent from your workstation beyond the allotted rest period time .
Interlachen Country Club 39