Team Member Handbook Revised January 2023 | Page 42

Safety 500
Effective Date : 01 / 01 / 2017
To assist in providing a safe and healthful work environment for our Team Members , members , and visitors , we have established a workplace safety program . This program is a top priority . Supervisors and the Safety Committee , which includes one person from each department , have responsibility for implementing , administering , monitoring , and evaluating the safety program . Everyone at the Club must be involved and committed to safety . This must be a team effort . Together , we can prevent accidents and injuries .
We provide information to you about workplace safety and health issues through new hire orientation and regular internal communication channels such as Team Member meetings , bulletin board postings , memos , or other written communications . We also provide more formalized periodic workplace safety training , where necessary . The training covers potential safety and health hazards , as well as specific workplace practices and procedures to eliminate or minimize hazards .
Safety Suggestions and Concerns
Some of the best safety improvement ideas come from our Team Members . If you have an idea , concern , or suggestion for improved safety in the workplace , you are encouraged to raise it with your supervisor . All reports and concerns can be made without fear of reprisal .
Team Member Conduct and Responsibilities
You are expected to perform the functions of your position in a safe manner . We are only truly efficient when high productivity is achieved with safe work habits . No job is so important , nor any service so urgent , that time cannot be taken to perform the work safely . The use of proper safety devices and tools and equipment and wearing appropriate clothing and footwear is essential .
Horseplay at work is inappropriate . No matter how playful or well intentioned , horseplay is by its nature unpredictable , and may inadvertently result in accident , injury , or unsafe conditions . s As a result , anyone engaging in horseplay may be subject to discipline , up to and including termination of employment .
You are expected to take ownership of your surroundings , to obey safety rules , and to exercise caution in all work activities . This includes being familiar with and observing all rules and policies for health , safety , and preventing injuries while at work . You must immediately report any unsafe condition to your supervisor . In the case of accidents that result in injury , regardless of how insignificant the injury may appear , immediately notify Human Resources or your supervisor .
All workplace injuries must be reported . Supervisors must complete an incident report and submit it to Human Resources through email or in person the same day of the incident . If the team member needs medical assistance for a minor injury , the supervisor and the Team Members must call the Nurse Hotline together on the day of the incident . Such reports are necessary to comply with laws and initiate insurance and workers ’ compensation benefits procedures .
Interlachen Country Club 37