Team Member Handbook Revised January 2023 | Page 31

If eligible , you may request up to 12 weeks of MN parental leave . Both mothers and fathers are eligible to request MN parental leave .
In most cases , you will be eligible for both MN parental leave under this policy and FMLA leave . A leave of absence that qualifies as both MN parental leave and FMLA will run concurrently ( i . e ., the time off will be counted as both FMLA and parental leave ). MN parental leave may also be available if you are not otherwise eligible for FMLA leave or if you have exhausted your available time under our FMLA policy .
You should request leave under this policy from your supervisor at least 30 days before the start of the leave or as soon as you become aware of the need for a leave . You are required to notify us of the anticipated start and duration of leave . MN parental leave must begin within 12 months of the birth or adoption of a child , except that , in the case where the child must remain in the hospital longer than the mother , the leave may not begin more than 12 months after the child leaves the hospital . However , in no case will you be permitted to take more than 12 total weeks of leave under this policy .
Leave under this policy is unpaid . However , we require that you use all available paid time off during any parental leave , except where you are receiving short-term disability or paid parental leave benefits . Note that paid time off is taken as part of the 12 weeks of MN parental leave , not in addition to it .
For information about what happens to your insurance benefits , PTO accruals , and eligibility for holiday pay during leave taken under this policy , see our Impact of Leaves of Absence on Employee Benefits policy .
At the end of your leave , you will be returned to the same job you held when your leave began , or to a position that is substantially equivalent to the one you previously held , unless we have gone through a layoff or reorganization , where your position would have been eliminated even if you had not been on leave . If you are unable to ( or choose not to ) return to work at the end of the approved leave , you may be considered to have resigned your position .
Pregnancy-Related Conditions 307
Effective Date : 01 / 01 / 2017
We will not discriminate against anyone who requests an excused absence for medical disabilities associated with pregnancy . Such leave requests will be evaluated according to the medical leave policy provisions outlined in this handbook and all applicable laws .
Upon request , we will consider providing reasonable accommodations for health conditions related to pregnancy or childbirth in accordance with all applicable laws . Depending on the accommodation requested , you may be required to provide medical substantiation of the need for accommodation . Similarly , if the requested accommodation would present an undue hardship to the performance of your position , we may not be able provide the accommodation .
Requests for accommodations or time off associated with pregnancy and / or childbirth that are not related to your medical incapacity ( such as time off for bonding , pre-birth house preparations , or childcare ) will be considered in the same manner as other requests for unpaid personal leave .
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