Team Member Handbook Revised January 2023 | Page 30

• Paid parental leave may not be used or extended beyond this six-month time frame . Paid leave under this policy is taken in connection with ( not in addition to ) leave taken under other policies we may have that cover birth or adoption .
• Team Members must take paid parental leave in one continuous period of leave and must use all paid parental leave during the six-month time frame indicated above . Any unused paid parental leave will be forfeited at the end of the six-month time frame .
Coordination with Short-Term Disability ( STD ) Insurance
For birth parents , paid parental leave is available following any period of disability after childbirth during which the employee is receiving income replacement benefits from short term disability or similar plan .
Coordination with Other Benefits and Leave Policies
• Paid parental leave taken under this policy will run concurrently with leave under the FMLA , as well as any related state parental leave laws ( e . g ., MN parental leave ). Therefore , any leave taken under this policy that qualifies for FMLA or state law protections will be counted as both leave under this policy and leave under our FMLA policy and any applicable state leave policy at the same time . Please refer to our FMLA and / or state parental leave policies for further information .
• We will maintain all benefits for Team Members during the paid parental leave period just as if they were any other paid leave benefit that we offer , such as PTO .
• If a holiday occurs while the Team Member is on paid parental leave , such day will be charged to holiday pay , and will not count against the paid parental leave balance .
Requests for Paid Parental Leave
• To use paid leave under this policy , Team Members must provide their supervisors and the Human Resources Department with at least 30 days ’ advance notice of the need for leave ( or , if the leave was not foreseeable , as soon as possible ), complete any necessary forms , and provide any additional documentation as may be requested by the Human Resources Department .
Pregnancy and Parental Leave 306A
Effective Date 09 / 01 / 2022
In accordance with the Minnesota Parental Leave Act , we provide unpaid leaves of absence to :
• All eligible employees who wish to take time off in conjunction with the birth or adoption of a child ; or
• Eligible female employees for prenatal care , incapacity due to pregnancy , childbirth , or related health conditions .
You are eligible to request MN parental leave as described in this policy if you work an average number of hours per week equal to one-half of our regular full time schedule in the 12 months preceding the request and have been employed by us for 12 months ( need not be consecutive ).
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