Team Member Handbook Revised January 2023 | Page 29

Words that appear in italics or quotes in this policy are terms defined by the FMLA and we will rely upon those definitions in the law and regulations .
We fully comply with the provisions of the FMLA . Accordingly , if you have questions regarding this policy , contact Human Resources . Further information on your rights and remedies under the FMLA can be located on our FMLA poster ( which can be found in the Club break area ), or online on the Department of Labor ’ s website at : https :// www . dol . gov / general / topic / benefitsleave / fmla .
Paid Parental Leave 306
Effective Date : 04 / 01 / 2022 Revised : 09 / 01 / 2022
Eligibility Eligible Team Member ’ s must meet the following criteria :
• Have been employed with the Club for at least 12 months ( the 12 months do not need to be consecutive ).
• Be a full-time , regular Team Member ( part-time , temporary Team Members , and seasonal Team Members are not eligible for this benefit ).
In addition , Team Members must meet one of the following criteria :
• Have given birth to a child .
• Be a spouse or committed partner of a woman who has given birth to a child .
• Have adopted a child . Formally adopting a spouse ’ s child from a previous marriage / relationship does not qualify for leave under this policy .
Amount , Time Frame and Duration of Paid Parental Leave
• Eligible Team Member ’ s will receive a maximum of six weeks of paid parental leave for the birth , adoption or placement of a child / children . The fact that a multiple birth or adoption occurs ( e . g ., the birth of twins or adoption of siblings ) does not increase the six-week total amount of paid parental leave granted for that event . In addition , in no case will a Team Member receive more than six weeks of paid parental leave in a rolling 12-month period , regardless of whether more than one birth or adoption occurs within that 12-month time frame .
• Each week of paid parental leave is compensated at 100 percent of the Team Member ’ s regular , straight-time weekly pay . Paid parental leave will be paid on regularly scheduled pay dates .
• Approved paid parental leave may be taken at any time during the six-month period immediately following the birth , adoption or placement of a child with the Team Member unless the Team Member is also receiving STD wage replacement benefits , in which case it will be available following the period of STD disability .
Interlachen Country Club 24