Team Member Handbook Revised January 2023 | Page 28

We may ask for certification to verify the need for leave for the reason requested by you . You must respond to such a request within 15 days of the request or provide a reasonable explanation for the delay . Failure to provide certification may result in a denial of the leave . We may also require recertification during the leave to verify the status of the need for leave . We may directly contact the healthcare provider or other third-party to verify and clarify information contained in the certification . You are responsible for signing or obtaining any authorization necessary to permit the healthcare provider or other third party to provide us with the required information .
We have the right to ask for a second opinion of a certification of a serious health condition . Should we choose to do so , we will pay for you to get a certification from a second healthcare provider , which we will select . If it is necessary to resolve a conflict between the original certification and the second opinion , we will require the opinion of a third healthcare provider . We ( you and us ) will jointly select the third doctor , and we will pay for the opinion . This third opinion will be considered final .
Returning From Leave
If you take leave under this policy , you will be returned to the same job you held when your leave began . If this is not feasible , you will be returned to a position that entails substantially equivalent skill , effort , responsibility and authority as the position you previously held . The only exceptions to this rule will be in circumstances of layoffs or reorganizations , where your position would have been eliminated even if you had not been on leave . You may be required to provide a fitness for duty assessment when returning from a leave of absence for your own serious health condition .
Procedure for Requesting Leave
When you plan to take leave under this policy , you must give us 30 days ’ notice . If it is not possible to give 30 days ’ notice , you must give as much notice as is practicable . If you are undergoing planned medical treatment , you are required to make a reasonable effort to schedule the treatment to minimize disruptions to our operations . If you fail to provide 30 days ’ notice of foreseeable leave , the leave request may be denied until at least 30 days from the date we received notice .
When you request leave under this policy , you must submit the request in writing to your immediate supervisor , with a copy to Human Resources . Where the need for leave is not foreseeable , you must verbally notify your supervisor of the need for leave as soon possible , and follow our normal call-in procedures for unexpected absences . Failure to follow our normal callin procedures under such circumstances will be treated like any other violation of our call-in procedures , and may result in discipline or termination , even though the leave itself may be covered by the FMLA . You may be required to confirm your need for FMLA leave in writing after giving verbal notice .
While on leave , you may be required to periodically report to us regarding the status of your intent to return to work .
Rights , Remedies , and Additional Information
Interlachen Country Club 23