Team Member Handbook Revised January 2023 | Page 25

Impact of Leaves of Absence on Team Member Benefits 304
Effective Date : 01 / 01 / 2017
In addition to paid absences , such as holidays , vacation , and PTO , we offer a number of leaves of absence which either become unpaid at some point , or are unpaid in their entirety . Unless otherwise noted in a specific leave policy , your Team Member benefits will be handled as described below .
Insurance and related benefits
During your leave , we will continue to provide you with the benefits in which you have enrolled for as long as any law might require us to do so , or until such time as you cease to be eligible under the terms , conditions , and limitations of the applicable plans .
While you are on leave , you will continue to be responsible for your share of the insurance premiums and will be required to make regular payments in order to continue your coverage . During any parts of your leave for which you may also be using vacation and / or PTO , we will continue to make payroll deductions as normal to collect your share of the premiums .
However , at the point that your leave becomes unpaid ( e . g ., you use up your available vacation and PTO ), you will be required to submit monthly payments to Human Resources by the 1 st day of each month of your leave . If the payment is more than 30 days late , your health and other coverage may be terminated for the remainder of your leave .
In some cases , you may be offered COBRA or USERRA continuation coverage if you are gone from work long enough , or if we are not required by law to continue your benefits . If so , you will have to formally elect continuation in order to stay on the applicable insurance plans . See our COBRA Continuation Coverage or Military Leave policy for more information .
If you lose coverage or have elected COBRA during your leave , we will reinstate you as an active participant upon your return from leave , according to the terms of each plan . If we have chosen to pay your portion of the premiums on your behalf during your leave , you will be required to repay us any such amounts at the end of your leave .
Other benefits
Vacation and other accrual-based benefits will cease accruing during any leave periods not being paid directly by us . So , for instance , unpaid leave time , or leave periods that are being paid by third-parties ( such as work comp or short-term disability ) will result in the cessation of accruals . However , absences during which vacation is being used , or that are paid by us ( such as jury duty ), will not result in accrual discontinuation . Similarly , holiday pay will not be provided during any leave periods not being paid by us .
Family and Medical Leave 305
Effective Date : 04 / 01 / 2019
We grant up to 12 weeks ( or 26 weeks , if leave is taken to provide care for qualifying family member injured during active military service ) of family and medical leave during any 12-month
Interlachen Country Club 20