Team Member Handbook Revised January 2023 | Page 24

• your employment is terminated for cause , as determined in our sole discretion , or
• you fail to return the Club ’ s property in satisfactory condition .
Generally , vacation isn ’ t available during your resignation notice period .
Personal Time Off ( PTO ) 303
Effective Date : 04 / 01 / 2019 Revised Effective 04 / 01 / 2019
Personal Time Off ( PTO ) is intended to provide wage replacement to regular full-time Team Members who have need for time off that isn ’ t traditionally considered vacation time . Our PTO policy operates a little like a traditional sick leave policy , and include such things as Team Member illnesses and injuries ; school related conferences and activities ; childcare , prekindergarten programs for your child ; health related appointments such as physicals , doctor , dentist , mental health professionals , and physical therapy ; appointments with professionals who are not available during Team Members off hours ; additional time needed for bereavement ; etc .
Regular full-time Team Members can accrue up to 40 hours of PTO per anniversary year . For nonexempt Team Members , PTO accrues based on straight-time hours worked , and does not include overtime hours . Exempt Team Members will accrue 3.33 hours of PTO per month . Available PTO can be carried from year-to-year with a maximum accumulation of 320 hours . All accumulated PTO must be used before time off without pay can be issued .
PTO is available immediately as it accrues , except for Team Members who are in their first year of regular full-time employment , in which case , although PTO begins accruing immediately , a three-month waiting period must be met before PTO can be used . However , Team Members are encouraged to avoid using PTO , so that it can accumulate and be available for more extended absences that Team Members may have . For instance , PTO would ideally be used to cover any waiting period for Short-Term Disability ( STD ) benefits , as well as to supplement , or make up the difference between the amount paid out under our STD insurance plan , and the Team Member ’ s regular wages .
Team Members who will be using PTO for foreseeable absences must provide their supervisors with as much advance notice as possible . In case of illness or an emergency , Team Members must notify their supervisors at least two ( 2 ) hours before their scheduled starting time , and otherwise follow our normal call-in procedures as set forth in our Attendance and Punctuality 603 policy . Team Members using PTO in connection with an illness or injury lasting more than three days may be required to submit a statement from a physician demonstrating that the Team Member is unable to perform the job due to illness or injury and stating the expected duration of the inability to work .
PTO cannot be used for missed time because a Team Member is late for work . Unauthorized or excessive absences / tardiness may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination , even if the Team Member has unused PTO available . Requests to use PTO in conjunction with , or as a supplement to , Paid Vacation Leave is not permitted .
Unused PTO is not paid out upon the termination of employment .
Interlachen Country Club 19