Team Member Handbook Revised January 2023 | Page 26

period to eligible Team Members , in accordance with the Family and Medical Leave Act ( FMLA ).
In order to qualify to take family and medical leave under this policy , you must meet all of the following conditions :
• You must have worked for us at least 12 months ( these 12 months need not have been consecutive );
• You must have worked at least 1,250 hours during the 12 months period immediately before the date when the leave would begin ; and
• You must work in an office or worksite where 50 or more Team Members are employed within 75 miles of that office or worksite . ( If you have no fixed office or work out of your home , you will be treated as though you work in the office to which you report .)
Reasons for Leave
In order to qualify as FMLA leave under this policy , you must be taking the leave for one of the reasons listed below :
• The birth of a child ;
• The adoption of a child , or the placement of a child with you for foster care ;
• Your own serious health condition ;
• To care for a spouse , child or parent with a serious health condition ;
• Due to a qualifying exigency for the spouse , children , or parents of individuals who are on , or are about to be on , covered active duty ; or
• To provide care for a covered servicemember with a serious injury or illness incurred or aggravated in the line of duty while on active duty .
Leave that qualifies for paid time off , workers ’ compensation , short-term disability , or other wage replacement benefits may also qualify as FMLA leave and , if so , the time off will also be counted as FMLA leave . If you have questions about whether your leave may be covered under this FMLA policy , you are encouraged to consult with Human Resources .
Duration of Leave 12 Weeks
For all FMLA covered leaves other than leave taken to provide care for a covered servicemember , if eligible , you can take up to 12 weeks of leave under this policy during any 12 months period . We use a rolling 12 month period measured backward from the date you use any leave under this policy to determine whether you exhausted your 12 weeks of leave . Each time you take leave , we will compute the amount of leave you have taken under this policy for any form of FMLA leave in the last 12 months and subtract that amount from your 12 weeks of available leave ; the balance remaining is the amount you are entitled to take at that time .
26 Weeks
For all FMLA covered leaves taken to provide care for a covered servicemember , if eligible , you can take up to 26 weeks of leave under this policy during any single 12 months period . This
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