Team Member Handbook Revised January 2023 | Page 16

• Seasonal Team Members are those who are hired as interim replacements , to temporarily supplement the work force , or to work for only a certain part of the year . Employment assignments in this category are of a limited duration . Employment beyond any initially stated period does not in any way imply a change in employment status . Seasonal Team Members retain that status unless and until notified of a change . While seasonal Team Members receive all legally mandated benefits ( such as workers ’ compensation insurance and Social Security ), they typically are ineligible for all of our other benefit programs .
• Casual Team Members are those who have established an employment relationship with us but who are assigned to work on an intermittent and / or unpredictable basis . While they receive all legally mandated benefits ( such as workers ’ compensation insurance and Social Security ), casual Team Members are ineligible for all our other benefit programs .
Access to Personnel Files 201
Effective Date : 04 / 01 / 2019
We maintain a personnel file on each Team Member . The personnel file includes such information as your job application , resume , records of training , documentation of performance appraisals and salary increases , and other employment records .
Personnel files are our property , and we restrict access to the information they contain . Generally , we only allow supervisors and managers who have a legitimate reason to review information in a file .
If you wish to review your file , contact Human Resources . With written advance notice , you may review your personnel files , within seven working days of our receipt of the written notice . The files may be reviewed in our offices and in the presence of an individual appointed by us to maintain the files . After review , and upon written request , we will provide you with a copy of your personnel record .
You are entitled to , and we comply with , all of the other rights and remedies set forth in the Minnesota Personnel Files statute ( Minnesota Statutes § 181.960 through § 181.965 ).
Background and Employment Reference Checks 202
Effective Date : 04 / 01 / 2019
Background Checks
We may conduct background and reference checks to ensure that individuals who work for us are well qualified and have a strong potential to be productive and successful . We may conduct these checks at certain critical times during the employment process , including but not limited to :
• The application and hiring process ;
• Times when a Team Member is given access to restricted or confidential items , information , or data ;
• Assignment to a particular project , and in connection with other significant employment events ( such as promotions ); and
Interlachen Country Club 11