Team Member Handbook Revised January 2023 | Page 17

• Periodically throughout the course of employment ( as required by our insurance carrier and / or applicable law ).
The types of checks we conduct may include such inquiries such as criminal history , credit history , degree confirmation , employment references , driving history , and licensure confirmation . The information we obtain via such inquiries will be considered in light of the needs and concerns underlying the check and may take into account such things as customer directives or restrictions , the recency of the conviction , and the relevance of the information to the work to be performed .
We retain the sole discretion to determine what impact the acquired information may have on the applicant or Team Member in question , including discontinuation of the application process , removal from customer assignment , denying access to restricted items / information / and data , and even termination of employment . Decisions are made on an individualized basis .
Employment Reference Checks from Third Parties
Human Resources will respond to all employment reference check inquiries from other employers . If you receive any such employment reference check requests , do not respond to them , and direct the inquirer to Human Resources . Responses to such inquiries will generally confirm only dates of employment , wage rates , and position ( s ) held .
Personnel Data Changes 203
Effective Date : 04 / 01 / 2019 Revised Date : 04 / 01 / 2019
We expect you to promptly notify us of any changes in personnel data . Be sure to provide us with your accurate and current personal mailing address , telephone numbers , number and names of dependents , individuals to be contacted in the event of emergency , educational accomplishments , and other similar information . If your personnel data has changed , notify Human Resources .
Performance Evaluation 205
Effective Date : 04 / 01 / 2019
We strongly encourage our supervisors , managers and Team Members to regularly discuss job tasks , encourage and recognize strengths , identify areas for improvement , and discuss positive , purposeful approaches for meeting goals . These ongoing conversations are particularly important for new Team Members or Team Members who have transitioned to new positions . More formalized written performance evaluations are also used as part of this process .
Annual Performance Evaluations & Pay Adjustments
Annual performance evaluations are generally scheduled to take place prior to the start of the new fiscal year .
We award merit-based pay adjustments to recognize superior performance and encourage strong performance throughout our Club . The decision to award such adjustments is dependent upon numerous factors , including goal accomplishment ( both at the individual and organizational
Interlachen Country Club 12