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In the past few months, we saw are made from crystals and animals are
statistically significant improvement in geometric shapes, for instance. That kind
math and arithmetic fluency skills with of world celebrates children’s natural
research pilots conducted in curiosity and imagination without
international schools in the UAE. The binding it to a specific cultural
research was lead by the University of environment.
Turku from Finland using Eduten We already have the first certified
Playground. Contact us for your own teachers in the UAE and Bahrain and
free 6 week research pilot. would be more than happy to visit one of
your early years classrooms for a demo
Some may say Finnish education solutions Kide Science, is a
only work in Finland and are very much Finnish pedagogical STEAM innovation
linked to the Finnish society in general, well that provides teachers with top quality
we tend to disagree on that. We work daily curriculum materials to implement early
with several solution providers from science education in a playful way. Kide
Finland in the gulf region and see the global Science's pedagogy is grounded on
impact and engagement great solutions have rigorous scientific research and follows
irrespective of curriculum. We would be the acknowledged Finnish philosophy on
more than happy to visit your school and early education. When children do
show you more. Some great examples next : science with the Kide curriculum, they
feel like they're playingand enjoying
themselves, while in fact, they are
building highly important skills needed in
the scientific process and thinking. For
Eduten Playground, is a teachers, Kide Science is an easy plug-
digital learning platform with scientifically and-play method to ensure that their
proven impact on learning results and pupils will gain the skills needed in the
grades. It also makes teachers' life easier future.
with automated lesson planning and
learning analytics. Eduten Playground
achieves all this by combining Finnish
educational excellence with gamification
and AI. It comes with a library of more than
We would be happy to visit
one of your early years
classrooms for a Kide
Science experiment demo!
Collect automatic reports
about learning progress
and export authentic
learning portfolios with
Kindiedays, is a
new pedagogical management solution
for early childhood education used in
nurseries and kindergartens. With
Kindiedays you can improve children’s
learning progress by following the
curriculum of your choice. Recognize each
child’s needs, and plan, implement and
follow individual learning paths
efficiently. Collect automatic reports
about learning progress and export
authentic learning portfolios. With
Kindiedays, you increase parent
confidence in their child’s education.
Kindiedays is used in leading nurseries in
UAE, for example Home Grown Children’s
15,000 mathematics exercises for years 1-9.
Eco Nursery.
The exercises have been co-designed with
Order during September 2019 and two
hundreds of Finnish teachers, and they are
months free on top of your annual
easy to use with any curriculum. In the core
of Eduten Playground's learning impact is a
carefully crafted learning environment that
motivates students to work more. Studies
show that with Eduten Playground students
Education House Finland
solve up to 8 times more tasks compared to
pen and paper.
Statistically significant
improvement in math and
arithmetic fluency skills in
UAE research pilots with
Eduten Playground.
is a company operating in Dubai and
Kide Science uses storytelling as a Helsinki, helping Finnish education
powerful tool to motivate children to innovations work in a local context in
participate in science activities. The story
world of Kide is free of cultural stamps
because it stems from the imaginary
world called Supraland, located in a
different dimension. In Supraland forests
the Middle East.