Featured School
Fairgreen healthy food
The students from Pre-K through to
MYP, as well as the teachers, have
created tower gardens throughout
the campus, that allow them to grow
lettuce, basil, kale, coriander, just
to name a few. Last year, the MYP
students visited the community pizza
restaurant where they turned their
school grown basil and mint into a
marinara sauce and fresh lemonade,
that was shared at the school’s Million
Solar Stars Solar Race event. This year
with the new food-technology labs
being put in place, the school is aiming
to further enhance the student’s
engagement with healthy eating and
the awareness of food wastage.
Fairgreen’s Sustainable Art
The art department works tirelessly to
make sure that all of the projects not
only align with the IB curriculum, but
also to sustainability. The Art teachers
make sure to only use reclaimed,
resourced and reused materials
from homes as well as the beach
and the community. This year they
are encouraging students to bring
in several items to help encourage
minimal wastage and recycling.
Million Solar Stars
Last year, Fairgreen’s Science teacher
Adam Hall, introduced the Million Solar
Stars programme to the students. The
students built small working solar
panels that were presented to adult
audiences in Dubai and Abu Dhabi.
The students then replicated these
solar panels into solar-powered cars
that they raced on the school roof. They
presented their idea for scaling solar
power into panels for international
school roofs, with an aim to power all
schools in the world by the power of
the sun.
“As the region’s first fully sustainable
programme is driven by academic
achievement and innovation, offering
sustainability in all its forms. The
school’s campus in Dubai’s Sustainable
City provides the ultimate learning
environment for future generations
to play a leading role in building a
sustainable future. Designed to have
a minimal environmental impact, the
school is powered by solar energy,
recycles water for agricultural use and
utilizes the community’s biodome
for health and wellness learning
experiences.” Graeme Scott, School
For further information on Fairgreen
International School visit www.
Term 1 Sep - Dec 2019
Class Time