Personal Development
o, it’s official! You are about to
begin the relocation journey!
Wait, don’t panic. Of course,
there are so many things that
need to be done but keep calm and
take this important move one step
at a time. Depending on how far you
are in the moving process the tips
listed below will help you to either
get started or to check if you have
forgotten something important.
Create a to do list
If you are just about to get started on
your relocation journey then start by
creating a to do list. Sounds simple,
right? Well many people skip this step
to their peril and later realise that they
have forgotten some vital steps in the
process which can prove to be very
time consuming and expensive. Let us
assume that you are moving to teach
in the Middle East. The list should
start with documentation. What are
the documents that you need to make
sure you have? Ensure that you have all
your documents saved electronically
and stored in a cloud service such as
Dropbox and these helpful tips will
help get you going. Before you know
it, you’re well on your way to your new
possessions to fill your home. Be sure
to have electronics, such as tablets,
laptops, and phones with you in the
luggage you take aboard. The idea
is minimalism. The less you take, the
more you can accumulate!
Get Storage
If you don’t choose to sell all your
belongings and aren’t ready to part
with possessions you truly cherish,
price storage units. This is one way to
keep the things you love in a safe place.
If obtaining a storage unit is not in the
budget, check with a friend or family
member and ask if they have a little
extra storage, in the attic, basement,
or garage. You’d be surprised how
ready they will be to help you, and you
can keep those savings in your pocket.
Prepare Your Family
Transitioning to a new environment
can be a little challenging. However,
Don’t Over pack!
When we think relocation, we think
take everything. This is a big no, no.
What you don’t realize is that, when
you relocate you will accumulate
while getting acclimated to your new
surroundings. Pack minimal clothing
and shoes. To get yourself started,
pack two weeks of work clothing, and
weekend apparel. Do your research
before moving to make sure you are
keeping the climate and culture of
your new country in mind. Possessions
that you treasure most, keep those at
home. As you travel you will gain many
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May - Jun 2018
After The Bell
if you prepare yourself prior to the
move, the transition can run smoothly.
Don’t wait until to the last minute to
pack your belongings. Be sure to reach
out to Expat communities so you can
familiarize yourself with those who live
there already. Such outlets can be found
via social media. These communities
can also help with locating schools
for the little ones, and helping you
find your way around. Another thing
to do with family is to watch videos
and research about the culture of the
country. With a quick internet search,
you can turn researching your new
home into movie night with the family.
Downloading helpful language apps,
can not only help transition the family
for any potential language barriers, but
also be helpful upon arriving.
Settle in Easily
Initially it is very easy to get homesick.
Learn to laugh at yourself, and you
will make mistakes getting used to
the culture there. Don’t overwhelm
yourself, take it day by day. Everything
will not get done overnight, and there
is no need of thinking otherwise. Take
time to get to know your community
and surroundings. Go out and enjoy
local festivities and expose yourself to
the way of life in your new home. Find
out activities that are fitting to your
lifestyle that you can partake in, and
Relocating is not the easiest, but with
organisation and perseverance, you will
have the ability to relocate with ease.