Teach Middle East Magazine May-June 2018 Issue 5 Volume 5 | Page 49



Deciding to stay in the UAE for the summer ? Here we are once again , getting ready to end the final term of the year , taking exams , thinking about the next grade for the kids , switching on the air conditioning , more and more and most of all , trying to figure out what to do during the summertime on a budget .

I ’ ve put together a few ideas that might help your creative juices to flow and find a way to hang out with your kids , while learning something together .
Family Meeting
Have a Family Meeting ( all ages ). Decide one big fun thing that you would commit to doing together , before the start of the new school year . Drive to Muscat and stay a few days . Or , make it a StayCation and check out the summer deals ( which are normally really good ) at the local hotels . Hang out and have fun .
It ’ s great for kids under 14 to take them shopping . Make a list and give them a calculator . Have them find the best deal for the items on their list . Have them calculate their total . Better yet , give them a budget with their list and have them stay within budget .
Reading Challenge
Setup a book club for the kids and their friends . They can borrow from each other every week and then get together and talk about it . It ’ s a great opportunity to hang out with the parents , too !
I Need Help
Have the kids write their own chores list . Great for kids of all ages . You can even laminate it for the fridge and use colorful magnets for each chore being completed each day . If you can , add a few chores to the chores list , to be reciprocated with some form of treat , once successfully completed .
2 for 1
If you are like everyone else in Dubai , most of us live off 2 for 1 vouchers . These are great not only for the grownups ( don ’ t forget to treat yourself this summer , too !) but for activities for the kids .
Many of these vouchers are ‘ pay for one and the other is free ’. Take your kids . Or , if one of them has a friend , split the cost with the other parent . There are so many things to do in Dubai , especially to keep them active .
Write My Own Adventure
Have your kids write their own book . It could be about anything . Every day they can write a page or two . Then , at the end of the summer , you can have their book laminated and bound to keep forever . Who knows , they might get the writing bug !
Take a Walk
As the days get longer , the day temperatures get hotter , however some evenings may still be relatively cool .. Use that time to take the kids out for a walk in the neighborhood . Bring a bag with you to pick up any bits of trash or plastic ( recycle ), to keep your environment clean and clear . Let ’ s be proud to be part of this world .
Head for the Border
Why not just hop in the car , load up the kids and head to the border – just to get an ice cream . Turn up some music , talk about life or play a game .
Help Each Other
The Year of Giving 2017 can continue every year . Why not reach out to www . DubaiCares and volunteer in the many programs they have . Children under 16 should be with an adult . Such a great way to feel good and support Dubai .
Bake Some Friendships
Why not bake some cookies together and pass them out to neighbors you may know and not know . Who knows where some kindness might make someone very happy .
Most importantly , enjoy , learn , love and be ready for a great 2018 / 2019 school year .