Teach Middle East Magazine May-June 2018 Issue 5 Volume 5 | Page 51

Health HYPERTENSION – ARE YOU DUE FOR A CHECK-UP? H ypertension (High Blood Pressure) is a driving force in the global epidemic of noncommunicable diseases (NCD) and a leading risk factor for death and disability globally. In 2002, the World Health Organisation (WHO) named hypertension as ‘the number one killer’ in ‘The World Health Report’. May 17 has been named as World Hypertension Day, to heighten the awareness and fight against the silent killer. What is Hypertension? This is a commonly occurring, but dangerous condition, in which, the force of your blood pushing against the walls of your blood vessels – the arteries, remains consistently high, that it may eventually cause damage to tissues and vital organs, resulting in health complications. Normal blood pressure is 120/ 80mmHg, with hypertension being higher than 130/80mmHg. Why is hypertension awareness important? Hypertension, often referred to as the ‘silent killer’, has no obvious symptoms to indicate that something is wrong. As a result, it’s possible for someone, without regular medical checkups, to continue functioning, for a while, with Hypertension, while it ravages your body for years, before it’s devastating effects finally become noticeable