Teach Middle East Magazine May-June 2018 Issue 5 Volume 5 | Page 17

Sharing Good Practice slot with a degreed body. Building a healthy working school environment has everything to do with VALUE validated in the hiring process and affirming the worth teachers bring to each student. more people admitted their mistakes, more people would learn from them.” And I hold this to be a present truth. We live in a society that prides itself in hiding blemishes and public relations cover-ups. For some, a rebirth mindset is needed if a healthy working school environment is to be attained and maintained. This requires cognitive and behavioural flexibility – and also a willingness to have fun. What our struggling youth are hungry to see is an authentic representation of life. They know no one is perfect. They know everyone has a story they're not proud of. What's amazing is no one is expecting perfection, just authenticity.” FUN. FLEXIBILITY. FORGIVENESS. Here are a few descriptive roles paramount to building a healthy working school environment: When broadcast philanthropist Oprah Winfrey attempted to build a South African school for girls after answering the directive received from the Honorable Rolihlahla Dalibunga Nelson “Madiba” Mandela, she admitted to building a school “without community buy-in,” and filled with the finest trappings – at first – yet devoid of the substance needed to sustain a top quality school. Forty (40) million dollars for 75 students. Lessons learned. The GREAT make mistakes. The sustained health of any school begins with reevaluating intentions. Being clear and consistently vocal about goals is crucial. Understanding that in order to achieve goals, the end must be visualized and practical steps in place. There should be an anticipation of what could go wrong, when ideas on paper do not match reality, and flexible remedies in place to resolve them. Noting that every educator, administrator, parent and child is born with their own talents, aspirations and abilities, if utilised effectively, these skills will help the most flexible schools thrive if they can collectively capitalise on these talents for the school’s short term, long term and global goals. Capitalize on the challenges: If you have a vision, state it clearly. Know it. Share it. Wear it. If attrition, turnover and/or cultural challenges are daunting, write, sing, dance, paint or act them out in a theatrical and/or comedic format. (Remember what I said about solutions, they don’t always follow a rigid horizontal line.) There may or may not be immediate solutions, but open acknowledgement is key. Oprah Winfrey shares, “I once read that if Cheerleading team: Every school needs cheerleaders. Cheerleaders possess a “can do” hopeful spirit that is mandatory for healthy survival and success. Cheerleaders are educational energizers! A Muhammad Ali Team. Having a team of teachers who have a can “get knocked down and get back up again,” attitude, who can brush off minor disappointments and frustrations will create a “we can take a punch,” and thrive environment. These teachers usually have experienced some form of trauma or difficulty in their lives. Identify these scholars. They are the ones who remain positive and productive regardless of inadequate teaching space, tools, language barriers or not receiving preferred teaching assignments. These teachers could be given any assignment and they will find, or better yet create, treasures that shall benefit the school. The Entrepreneurial Team: Which educators in your school are independent thinkers? They need no textbooks, curriculum or guidance in order to teach. They are wired with a resilient, get it done and work until it is done attitude. Often, they loathe meetings more than anyone else. In his business book “Principles,” Ray Dalio, Co-Chief Investment Officer and Co- Chairman of Bridgewater Associates hedge fund management company, spells out his theory of radical truth and transparency as the foundation for his company’s billion dollar assets under management success. What can healthy schools glean from Ray’s message? Pain + quality reflection = Progress. Can educational communities have thoughtful (scheduled) disagreements? Can schools move from insular islands to form meaningful relationships with other – and competing – institutions for the benefit of their students? Can sister/brother schools build bridges to knowledge and understanding without ego distraction? Can healthy working academic environments establish a sacred space wherein truthfulness and transparency are anticipated and respected? The Loner Team Every single one of these teams can be created if the people within the school community (this includes parents and teachers) are identified contributors. Loners have the ability to get much work done alone. They are the researchers who thrive in silence. Often, they are instinctive and can read character well. Should schools be rigid in their health approach? Todd Kashdan, a psychologist at George Mason University instructs, “as we get older we become a lot more crystallized in our thinking. We think, 'I shouldn't be playing kickball because I'm 40.' But who decided kickball is not a proper thing for a 40-year-old to play? We create these rigid rules and eliminate chances to change all the time." If you’ve ever seen an elderly couple lovingly taking care of one another and gushed “Aw. How beautiful,” you may have also wondered about their back story. How have they managed to stay together for 40 or 50 years in a world of instability, divorce and dismay? They may tell you that their longevity comes down to three important elements: Value. Respect. And Patience. “I bet you thought that it was love,” the elder woman might say. As the Jamaican motto says, “Out of many, one people.” The same can be said for creating a healthy working school environment. It is very possible. As an Orton-Gillingham trained Learning Specialist, Lisa-Fátimah specializes in designing multisensory English and Spanish language development lessons, modifications and assessments for traditional and Dyslexic students. Her radio shows highlight the primacy of girls’ education, bilingualism and world language acquisition for a global audience. Email: [email protected]. Class Time | | May - Jun 2018 | 15